- Announcement on 2020-2021 Fall Semester Final Exam
Güncelleme Tarihi: 25 February 2021
Visitors: 358
Announcement on 2020-2021 Fall Semester Final Exams, Make-up and One Course Exams
Dear Students,
Considering the latest developments regarding the global pandemic process, it has been decided to conduct the 2020-2021 Fall Semester final exams, Make-up, and one-course exams remotely through the Learning Management System (LMS / LMS). Final, Make-up, and one-course exams to be held at our university remotely in accordance with the "Basic Principles of Exams That Can Be Conducted in Digital Media at Universities" announced by the Council of Higher Education on 27.05.2020. In the said statement of the Council of Higher Education; Exam security measures permitted by the Learning Management System (LMS) or digital environments will be applied based on "Transparent and Controllability" in the exams to be held in digital environments. Within the scope of these measures, it is among the priority security measures to randomly select the questions in the exams conducted by the test method for each student, to prevent the repetition of the solved questions from being changed and to record the actions taken by the students on the LMS during the exam.
Regarding the problems that may occur in the exams, you can convey the problems you encounter to us through the communication channels of the academic program you are registered in on the Pandemic Period Distance Education Information Platform (https://pandemi.bandirma.edu.tr/TeknikDestek/ProgramTemilcileri).
We wish all our students success in their exams.