Güncelleme Tarihi: 07 January 2021

Visitors: 355

"Archeology Days Conferences" Will Be Held by Our Historical Research Society

An online event called “Archeology Days Conferences” will be organized by our Historical Research Society on 05, 07, 08, and 12 January 2021. The first part of the event is at 21:00 on Tuesday, January 5 at 21:00 and it will continue on Thursday, January 7. The second part is at 21:00 on Friday, January 8. This part will continue on Tuesday at 15:00, January 12.

It will be held live on the Instagram account of our community: @tariharastirmalaritoplulugu


Event Speaker and Topics:

05.01.2020: "Yenikapı Shipwrecks" - Prof. Dr. Ufuk Kocabaş

07.01.2020: "Supporting the Formation of Human History with Archeology" – Asst. Prof. Dr. Adem Işık

08.01.2020: "Çatalhöyük Excavations from the Beginning to the Present" - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serap Ozdol Kutlu

12.01.2020: "Kyzikos Excavations from the Beginning to the Present" - Prof. Dr. Nurettin Kochan

