Güncelleme Tarihi: 26 November 2020
Visitors: 370
29 October Republic Day Talk Held by Our Turkish Historical Society
29 October Republic Day was discussed in an online interview organized by the Turkish History Society. Head of the Modern History Department of our Faculty, Associate Professor Kurtuluş Demirkol participated as a speaker in the interview moderated by Safa Furkan Karacakaya, Research Assistant of the History Department of our Faculty.
Demirkol firstly touched on the starting point of democratic popular movements in history. Stating that also affects other countries of the democratic movement in Europe Demirkol, "The Republic of Turkey has taken its inspiration being established in the French Revolution. Mustafa Kemal Pasha has a very important statesman and establishes a democratic republic in his head since it came into office," he said. Demirkol also stated that, "There are not sixteen Turkish states in history, there is only one Turkish state in history, and he changed the name and regime according to the conditions of that day." You can follow our community's online conversations on @turktarihtoplulugu Instagram account.