Güncelleme Tarihi: 09 January 2021
Visitors: 419
Our Faculty Turkish Language and Literature Department Member Assoc. Dr. Bahtiyar Aslan’s book titled "Prof. Dr. Birol Emil Armağanı" has been published.
Our Faculty Turkish Language and Literature Department Member Assoc. Dr. Bahtiyar Aslan’s book titled "Prof. Dr. Birol Emil Armağanı" has been published.
Having been educating valuable students in the Department of Turkish Language and Literature for 61 years, a book was published as a gift to Prof. Dr. Birol Emil by his students and valuable colleagues who have benefited from his unique experiences. At the beginning of the work, Prof. Dr. Birol Emil is presented to us the life story of himself how and under what conditions a Republican era intellectual and academician was trained.
The book was edited by our faculty, Turkish Language and Literature Department academic staff Assoc. Dr. Bahtiyar Aslan. We wish this gift to be beneficial to the literature and the academic community and congratulate all the valuable authors and contributors to the writing of the book.