- Dean's Message
Güncelleme Tarihi: 11 August 2020
Visitors: 693
Dean's Message
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
The most important institutions that we can access information and science are undoubtedly the universities. Knowledge obtained through academic methods makes it right and provide missing information. In this respect, universities have a very important function in terms of being institutions that enable universal knowledge to become known through researches.
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, which has such a mission, was established by the publication of the Council of Ministers Decision dated March 13, 2017 in the Official Gazette No. 30113 on July 3, 2017. Our faculty, which is one of the latest units of Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University, has the advantage of being located in a modern city which has hosted various civilizations in the past and is located at the common transportation/intersection point of major cultural and industrial cities such as Istanbul, İzmir, Bursa, Balıkesir and Çanakkale.
The Department of Turkish Language and Literature and the Department of History in our faculty started education in daytime and evening education by accepting students in 2018-2019 academic year. The other departments of our faculty -Geography, Translation and Interpretation, Psychology, Art History and Sociology- are planned to start education over time. The next step will be to open graduate programs as soon as possible. Our faculty also offers the students the chance of having an optional English preparatory class; benefitting from international student exchange programs and participating in a double major program.
It is one of the primary goals of our faculty to provide our students a universal quality academic education; to provide an education environment for academic staff and students which based on mutual trust, affection and respect; pave the way for taking scientific steps that will contribute to the international scientific community, our country, our region and our city. The departments of our faculty that will be in direct contact with people and society worthy of its name will also initiate studies that will focus on the exploration and evaluation of the historical, geographical and cultural values of Bandırma and its surroundings. For this purpose, a Research Center for History and Culture of Bandırma and its Surroundings, where the studies will be coordinated, will be established. Projects will be developed and researches will be conducted to generate solutions to regional problems with a social science perspective and an interdisciplinary approach; it will lead to the creation of a cultural environment guided by the social sciences perspective by organizing history, literature and culture seminars. Interdisciplinary oral/living history studies will be conducted to revive the cultural awareness that is essential for bringing to light the historical and cultural assets of Bandırma and its surroundings that have not yet been discovered and for preserving the existing ones. Bandırma Historical Museum or Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Ethnography and History Museum will be instituted within our university on the purpose of protecting the oral, written, material historical and cultural assets that will be discovered as a result of field studies and introducing them to the scientific world and the public.
I offer my respects to all of you on behalf of the experienced and competent academic and administrative staff of our faculty, which is ready in every aspect to carry out educational and research activities.
Prof. Dr. Zekai Mete