Güncelleme Tarihi: 21 July 2020

Visitors: 550

Mission and Vision

  • Ensure to gain competence in international studies by acquiring artistic criticism skills of individuals of undergraduate education in this field and to develop new critical perspectives on art


  • To educate art historians who gained self-confidence of owning the current truths, correcting the mistakes and completing the deficiencies related to the works of art



  • Creating the consciousness of transferring it to future generations by protecting cultural assets and artistic value.


  • To be guide for the adoption and protection of cultural and artistic assets and to lead art historians to work in public institutions and organizations for this purpose



  • To raise the quality of education by updating it with contemporary information technologies and to produce information in international criteria


  • Apply contemporary teaching principles and ensure continuity, taking into account the curriculum of art history programs in our country and abroad
  • To be a constantly evolving department in raising equipped students by supporting basic vocational courses with applied courses in architectural and decorative arts


  • Providing an education that educates highly self-confident individuals who can think multi-dimensionally, produce, share, use and present ideas and produce interdisciplinary projects with their intellectual aspect