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Güncelleme Tarihi: 25 February 2021
Visitors: 559
General Information
The story of sociology gaining independence as an academic and scientific discipline dates back to the 19th century. Within this century a multitude of new developments (social, political, industrial, economic, cultural and geographical) in Europe were influential in the shaping of modern society. At the same time, while modern society was constructing itself, it also brought about previously un-encountered problems. It is precisely at this point that sociology emerged as a scientific discipline dedicated to deciphering and solving these emerging problems. In this respect, sociology is transformed into a branch of science that analyzes modernism and the problems of modern society through the stand of the existing background of modern society.
Despite sociology gained its independence as a scientific discipline in an academic sense initially in the 19th century, history of sociology has nevertheless existed as some form of school of thought within every period and geography where societies and consequently social relations have existed on earth. Therefore, when referring to sociology, it is not sufficient to define it only as a "social science" or "a science that examines, analyzes and creates solutions about society". No doubt, where a scientific definition is required, all that is stated thus far will be sufficient. However, the structure of sociology that touches upon all forms of relationships and people within society (including forms of not engaging in relationships), requires thinking of sociology in a broad perspective. Therefore, sociology resembles to a prism that reveals a kaleidoscope of colors it contains when it is held up to light. In this respect, sociology in the science world is an indispensable field of thinking and practice that reveals the existing ones in its structure while looking at the social from the ground of it.
Even though sociology initially emerged as a field involving Europe's own problems, it is a scientific discipline that was encountered within the geography and scientific field of Turkey at early stages of its history as a result of the Ottoman modernization movement in the 19th century. Thus, in the early 20th century, in 1914, sociology officially found itself a place in the scientific field via the academic platform established by Ziya Gökalp in Istanbul. It is during these years that some fundamental sociology schools emerged in Turkey aiming to resolve the national societal problems. In this respect, Turkey has a well rooted history in sociology.
The Sociology Department of Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University, during its studies, aims to make scientific contributions towards national and international sociology. In this sense, it also aims to convey the broad and rich perspective of sociology to its students through education and to train well-equipped sociologists with this "sociological thinking" perspective.