- Mission & Vision
Güncelleme Tarihi: 11 August 2020
Visitors: 500
Mission & Vision
- Our department aims to produce information and provide training at national and international level.
- The aim of our department is to train sociologists who understand, explain, interpret and criticize the dynamics of the formation, change and transformation of social life both locally and universally.
- To be a department that contributes scientifically to the production of social, cultural, political and economic policies for the detection and solution of social problems.
Working places
- Those who successfully complete the four-year undergraduate sociology education are entitled to receive a Sociology Bachelor's Degree and receive the title of "Sociologist".
- Students can work as a sociologist in public institutions and ministries after graduation. Human Resources, Public Relations (etc.) department of national and international companies in the private sector. There are job opportunities in their departments and Advertising Organization companies. Job openings are increasing in the field of social research with social service institutions and NGOs in the public and private sectors